September Minutes 2022

RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League

Minutes for September 12, 2022

Open Session: 4:00 PM

Call to Order: 4:06

Roll Call

    Present              Excused            Absent
Wendy Stirnaman, President(exp 2024)   X  
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp 2024)X  
Gene Moore, Director (exp 2022) X 
Cindel Pena, Director (exp 2023)  X
Dan Welch, Director (exp 2022)X  
Charlea Moore, Director (exp 2022)X  
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2023)X  
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024)X  
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2023)X  

Quorum Present:Yes No


John Todd,Vianne Todd, Quilt Trail, Stephen Freeman, LeeAnn Williams


President Opening Comments: Ashley Benedict resigned, LeeAnn Williams appointed as secretary. Charlea motioned, Tonia Silva 2nd. Motion passes

LeeAnn Williams to replace Ashley with a new proposal, Tonia motioned, Dan 2nd. Tonia motioned to pay $400 for a one-time set up fee for LeeAnn, Charlea2nd, motion passes

Approval of the prior minutes: Charlie motioned, Anthony 2nd- motion passes

Treasurer’s Report and approval: Charlie motioned, Cathy 2nd- motion passes

Old Business

1. Business of the Month – Wendy Stirnamn – Renewal Soaps, next month LW spin

2. Upgrade Web Page to a more professional look – Dan Welch/Wendy Stirnaman/John Todd – Website is live, John please send out needs one last time

3. Grant Money: beautification, increase membership fees, community award etc. Finance- The Quilt Trail presented and requested for the Chamber to help pay for materials for a project at Papa Murphy’s Pizza. More discussion next month. Membership fees, rent, marketing payments, beautification projects, historical signs.

Committee – Tonia Silva, Wendy Stirnaman, Liliette Freemen and Cathy Scharf

4. Contract for new employee Tonia Silva/Wendy Stirnaman – Tonia motioned, Dan 2nd- motion passes

New Business

1. Statement of Information/DBA- Charlea motioned Lillette second Tonia to pay  $25

Taxes $50 to be paid to Tonia for tax software- Anthony motioned, Charlea 2nd, motion passes

2. Breakfast with Santa – Possible Chamber and Lions co-host (discussion next month)

3. Getting a new account for Chamber of Commerce – email, constant contact, LeeAnn to meet with John to resolve.

4. Expenditure for canopy, file box, paper and ink- Anthony motioned, Cathy 2nd($35 to Pittador Brews for canopy) motion passes

5. Reimbursement for recorder- Anthony motioned, Cathy 2nd

6. Meeting Location and Time- Possibly a more centrally located Depot Park, new meeting time of 6:00P.M. Still in discussion.


Public Comments: John spoke about the availability of banners at the high school stadium, and what a great resource they are. LeeAnn mentioned possible discounts for chamber members to local Craft Faires and events.

Directors – Charlea asked for memberships to be added to agenda next month, Tonia reported that the Rio Linda Christmas Bazzar was fully booked with vendors, and is extending to Higher Ground Church with overflow.

Adjourn – 5:16 P.M.

Notes: Meeting will be at 6:00 P.M. on October 10th due to the highschool traffic

Next Meeting is October 10,2022 at 4:00 P.M.

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