October 2024 Minutes RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League Minutes for October 14, 2024Open Session: 6:30 P.M. Call to order: 6:33pm

Roll Call Present Absent
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024) X
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2025) X
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2024) X
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025) X
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025) X
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024) X
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2025) X
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) X
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025) X
Quorum Present:YES
LeeAnn Williams, ViAnn Todd, Sheena McGowan, Meg Schaefer
President Opening Comments: none
Approval of the prior minutes: Cathy motioned to approve minutes as presented, Dan 2 nd , motion
Treasurer’s Report and approval: NA

Old Business

  1. Mayor’s Race/Dinner- No Early announcing. Dan motioned $100 prize for e ticket drawing,
    Stacey 2 nd , motion carries. Wendy motioned $100, $75, $50 prizes for paper tickets. Raffle
    proceeds will go back to the general mayor’s race fund. We need help with set up. Dan motioned
    $250 to Lifepointe for hosting and an additional $126.16 for sound man. Troy 2 nd , motion carries.

New Business

  1. Business of the Month- J & A Flowers & Plants
  2. Ornament Exchange- Dec 2 nd , Rio Java 6:30 PM, Costco pies and white elephant
    exchange with ornaments. Wendy motioned $100 to cover food and decor for event, Dan
    2 nd , motion carries
  3. Holiday Decorations- Troy will get with Tabitha and see if there is interest, Chamber
    willing to sponsor $150, and $50 in 2 prizes, troy motioned, dan 2 nd , motion carries.
  4. Committee for nominations for board vacancies- Wendy appointed John, Liliette and
    Troy for a committee for vacancies. Nominations at November meeting, Voting takes
    place December meeting.
  5. Shop local Holiday cash giveaway. Printed flyers for business who want to participate.
    Dan motioned $250 top prize, $125 second prize, and $50 in printing costs. Troy 2 nd ,
    motion carries. Must spend $250 at chamber business locations to enter. Launch at
    Mayors Dinner.
    Directors’ comments- Cathy- Lifepointe Harvest Festival Oct 31 st , free food, water, candy.
    Sisters In Christ doing a thanksgiving dinner and looking for donations.
    John- Sherriff meeting Thursday at the Legion at 6:00, meet the Water Board Candidates at
    Rio java on the 24 th .
    Stacey- Neighborhood Association meeting, Oct 28 th 6:30, Twin River’s carnivals in full
    swing, please check Twin Rivers Website.
    Dan- Comedy Show was great!

Other Comments or Concerns- Edwin- Rio Pubs 1 year celebration Oct 26 th Halloween Costume
Party 8pm-close. Cancer Fundraiser Oct 25 th 3pm-6pm.
Sunset lawn- Celebration Dec 1 st .
Meg- Fundraiser for Heritage Peak Performing Arts, New Megalodon Challenge coming.

Adjourn: 7:29PM
Future Agenda Items-
Next Meeting is November 11, 2024, at 6:30 P.M.
Location- Depot Building 6730 Front St, Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous 2024 Holiday Lights Contest Winners Announced